Wisata alam pantai Tanjung Sawang tepat berhadapan dengan pulau Daik Lingga. Sebuah pulau yang merupakan ibu kota Kabupaten Lingga. Pemandangan yang ada di depan pantai tersebut berbeda dengan pemandangan dari pantai-pantai lain yang ada di kota Dabo. Pemandangan luas di depan pantai ini dihiasi oleh pulau-pulau kecil sangat tepat untuk di jadikan tempat melepas lelah.
Akses untuk menuju kepantai ini sangatlah mudah, karena hampir sama dengan pantai-pantai lain yang berada tidak jauh dari pinggir jalan utama. Jika masyarakat Dabo Singkep yang ingin bepergian antara Dabo ke Pelabuhan Jagoh melewati jalan pesisir pantai, sudah pasti akan melewati pantai Tanjung Sawang ini.
Tanjung Sawang Beach
Natural tourist Tanjung Sawang beaches are located between the villages Kote and Lanjut, Tanjung Sawang beach is more precisely located in the Penat area, (an area of the village of Kote to lanjut). A coast away from the town of Dabo Singkep with a panoramic view of beautiful beach that is not less beautiful than the other beaches in the town of Dabo Singkep. As Batu Berdaun Beach, Sergang Laut Beach, Nusantara Beach, Tanjung Jodoh Beach, Cemara Beach and places of other natural attractions in Dabo Singkep.
Tanjung Sawang facing the island Daik Linga. An island which is the capital of the Regency Linga. The view in front of the beach is different from the views of other beaches in the town of Dabo. Bird’s-eye view on the beach front is decorated by small islands are very appropriate to be made in unwind place.
Access to go to this beach is easy, because almost the same as the other beaches are located not far from the main street. If society Dabo Singkep who want to travel between Dabo to Jagoh port through the coastal road, it is definitely going to pass this Tanjung Sawang beach.
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